
COPD stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and includes diseases such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

The disease causes progressive reduction in the amount of effort the patient can tolerate which means that they cannot keep up with their family and friends and cannot walk up hills. Eventually they cannot walk to the local shops and as things get worse they cannot easily leave their home.

Associated with this are the frequent chest infections sometimes requiring frequent urgent and frightening admission to hospital.

The National Institute of Clinical Excellence has published information for people with COPD and their families. Please click here to read it.

Smoking advice

By far and away the biggest cause of COPD is cigarette smoking. If you smoke, why not visit the NHS ‘Quit smoking’ page by clicking here for help and advice on how to stop.

You can also call the free National Smokefree Helpline on 0300 123 1044.

Remember, there is no cure for COPD. Inhalers and tablets may help by reducing wheezing and breathlessness, but they do not cure. The most important thing is to stop smoking.

Other risks

Smoking doesn’t only cause COPD. It is also associated with lung cancer and heart disease.

Smoking-related diseases are a major problem for Leasowe. The number of patients with COPD attending our surgery is 42% above the national average.

Lung cancer rates in Leasowe are significantly above national averages and it is not unusual for us to find this unpleasant disease in patients in their 40s.

To see the effect of smoking on your heart disease risk, why not use the NHS heart age calculator by clicking here.

Useful links

Page last reviewed: 11 March 2024